Tenor Immo Schröder began his musical training studying viola, piano, voice, and composition. At the Music Conservatory in Detmold he first studied Music Pedagogy and then Voice.

After graduating, he continued his studies at the Amsterdam Conservatory and took masterclasses with Thomas Quasthoff, Christoph Prégardien, Peter Schreier, and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau.

Immo Schröder has performed the Oratorios of J. S. Bach in numerous festivals in Europe, the US, and Israel, working with Cantus Cölln (K. Junghänel), the Harp Consort (Andrew Laurence-King), the Rheinische Kantorei (Hermann Max) the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra (Leon Botstein) and the Netherland Bach Society (Shunske Sato) being a permanent member of the core ensemble.

Schröder also performed contemporary compositions with the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart and the Klangforum Heidelberg. Hewas invited to the Stockholm New Music Festival and the Biennale in Venice.

Recordings include Sacred Cantatas by D. Buxtehude (Solal), Kapitänsmusiken 1738+1744and ”Erhabnes Glück der Ehe” by G.Ph.Telemann (cpo), Der Messias“ by Andreas  Romberg (cpo), H.I.F.v Biber: ”Vespro della beata vergine” (Accent) and ”Sacred Works” by G.Meyerbeer (cpo), J.S.Bach: ”Motets” (cpo)