female choir

”Both Sides Now”: Joni Mitchell’s wonderful classic in a lyrical approach featuring all the four voices equally.

”Our Sweet Love”: The Beach Boys’ most beautiful love song.

”God Only Knows”: Obviously the other most beautiful love song by the Beach Boys 🙂 (This arrangement is also available in D flat and D major.)

”In My Room”: Once more the Beach Boys, but no love song this time. Just Brian Wilson having a good time at home.

”Pipes of Peace”: Paul McCartney at his best. Holding a torch for world peace!

”Fields of Gold”: Sting’s wonderful autumnal love song.

”Straighten up and fly right”: The swinging jazz standard by the Mill’s Brothers and Nat King Cole. This arrangement is inspired by the male vocal group called Cadence. During the chorus section there’s plenty of opportunity for scat or kazoo improvisations! Fly safe! 🙂

”This is the Moment”: From the musical ”Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”. I made a SSAA adaptation based on the great barbershop version by Fred King.

”Wir sind von Kopf bis Fuss”: Famously sung by Marlene Dietrich in the movie ”Der blaue Engel” from 1930.

”Sing’, Nachtigall, sing’ ”: Famously interpreted by Evelyn Künnecke 1943. You may even notice tiny bits of a song by Paul McCartney. 😉

”Hur ska det gå?”: A bewildered and swinging love song from Melissa Horn’s album ”Säg ingenting till mig”, 2009.

”White Christmas”: Irving Berlin’s immortal classic in close-harmony.

”Merry Christmas, you suckers”: Paddy Roberts’ wonderfully ironic Christmas tune from 1962.

”X-mas is all around”: A highlight from the movie ”Love Actually” where Bill Nighy’s character Billy Mack is ”pressing in some extra syllables” into ”Love is all around”. In my version I was pressing in some extra melodies as well. 🙂 Additionally, the pieces ”Both sides Now” and ”God Only Knows” can work well together as a group of songs from this movie.